Security Journey Blog

Mitigating & Preventing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities: An Example

Written by Security Journey/HackEDU Team | Jan 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM

This is part two of a two-part series about Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities and how to prevent them; you can read part one here. 

In the digital world, trust is crucial for businesses to secure customer data and maintain loyalty. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a silent threat that can turn a trusted platform into a launchpad for attackers, stealing sensitive information and spreading malware.  

In this article, we will review XSS through an applicable example to dive into XSS vulnerability prevention and mitigation.  


What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?  

XSS exploits vulnerabilities within a website, causing it to return malicious JavaScript code to users inadvertently. When a user accesses such a compromised site, the malicious script executes within their browser.  

Read More: Understanding The 4 Types of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities 

Depending on the nature of the script, this could lead to a range of malicious activities; let’s take a look at an example: 


Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability Example: A Simple Blog Application 

Let's discuss a hypothetical example of an XSS vulnerability in a Node.js application. This will illustrate how an XSS attack can be executed and how it might be mitigated. 

Imagine a simple blog application where users can post comments. The application uses Express.js for the backend and EJS as the templating engine.  

Here's a basic example of how the vulnerability might be introduced: 

const express = require('express'); 

const app = express(); 

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); 

// In-memory store for comments (for simplicity) 

let comments = []; 

app.get('/', (req, res) => { 

    res.render('index.ejs', { comments: comments }); 

});'/comment', (req, res) => { 

    const comment = req.body.comment; 

    // Directly adding user input to the store without any sanitization 




app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000')); 



Client-side Code (EJS Template) 

<!DOCTYPE html> 



    <title>Simple Blog</title> 



    <h1>Welcome to the Simple Blog!</h1> 

    <form action="/comment" method="POST"> 

        <input type="text" name="comment" placeholder="Write a comment..."> 

        <button type="submit">Post Comment</button> 




        <% comments.forEach(function(comment) { %> 

            <li><%= comment %></li> 

        <% }); %> 





The Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability 

In this scenario, the vulnerability lies in the way the application handles user input. The server accepts user comments and directly pushes them into an array (comments) without any validation or sanitization. The EJS template then displays these comments as-is. 

An attacker could exploit this by submitting a comment with a malicious JavaScript snippet, like <script>alert('XSS')</script>. When this comment is displayed on the page, the script will execute in the context of every user's browser who visits the page, leading to a Cross-Site Scripting attack. 


Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability Mitigation 

To mitigate this vulnerability, you should sanitize the user input before storing or displaying it.  

Sanitize Input: Use a library like XSS to sanitize the input, ensuring that any HTML tags or JavaScript are rendered harmless. 

const xss = require('xss');'/comment', (req, res) => { 

    const comment = xss(req.body.comment); // Sanitize the input 





  1. Properly Escaping in Templates: Ensure that your templating engine escapes variables by default. EJS does this with the <%= %> syntax, which you're already using. 
  2. Content Security Policy (CSP): Implement CSP headers to restrict the sources of scripts and other resources, reducing the chances of successful XSS attacks. 

You can significantly mitigate the risk of XSS vulnerabilities in your Node.js application by sanitizing inputs and ensuring the safe rendering of user-generated content. Remember, security is an ongoing process and requires regular code reviews and updates to address new threats and vulnerabilities. 

Traditional input validation, while essential, may not always be sufficient to prevent XSS attacks due to several reasons: 

  • Complexity of Modern Web Applications: Today's web applications often include dynamic content, rich user interfaces, and third-party integrations. This complexity can introduce multiple input and output points, making it challenging to validate all data effectively. 
  • Variety of Injection Techniques: XSS attacks can be executed through various techniques, not all of which might be caught by standard validation rules. For example, attackers often use encoding, obfuscation, or polymorphic scripts that can bypass simple validation checks. 
  • Limitation of Denylist Approaches: Traditional validation often relies on denylisting certain characters or patterns. However, attackers can craft payloads without using these denylisted characters or encode payloads in ways that avoid detection but still execute on the browser. 
  • Evolving Threat Landscape: XSS attacks evolve as new browser features and web technologies are introduced. Traditional validation methods may not keep pace with these changes, leaving applications vulnerable to further attacks. 

To effectively prevent XSS attacks, a combination of strategies is needed. Let's talk about some of the most effective methods to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. 


Mitigation Method: Safe Handling of User Input   

  • Encoding: This involves converting special characters into a safe format that is no longer executable as code. For instance, characters like `<`, `>`, `&`, `'`, and `" ` can be encoded into their respective HTML or URL encoded equivalents. Encoding ensures that any user input displayed on a web page is treated as data, not executable code. 
  • Validation: This is the process of ensuring that user input conforms to expected formats and values. It often involves allowlisting, which allows only specific, known-to-be-safe input patterns. For example, an email field might only accept input matching a standard email format. Validation helps to restrict the type of data accepted, reducing the likelihood of malicious scripts being injected. 
  • Sanitization: This process involves cleaning or filtering user input to remove potentially harmful data before a web application uses it. Sanitization might strip out or replace unwanted characters or scripts from the input. For instance, a comment field in a blog post might sanitize input to remove HTML tags or JavaScript. 


Mitigation Method: Use of Content Security Policy (CSP) 

A Content Security Policy is a browser feature that specifies which sources a browser should consider valid for loading resources like scripts, stylesheets, images, etc. CSP is an effective defense-in-depth measure to reduce the severity of XSS attacks: 

  • Restrict Sources: CSP can be used to specify that scripts should only be loaded from certain trusted sources, reducing the risk of executing malicious scripts loaded from external or untrusted sources. 
  • Inline Script Control: It helps prevent the execution of inline scripts and event handlers, common vectors for XSS attacks. 
  • Report Violations: CSP can be configured to report policy violations, providing valuable insights into attempted attacks and helping to improve the security posture over time. 


Mitigation Method: Secure Coding Frameworks and Libraries 

Many modern web development frameworks and libraries incorporate built-in protections against XSS: 

  • Automatic Escaping: Frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js automatically escape HTML by default. This means that when developers insert data into the DOM using these frameworks, the frameworks handle the encoding, making it less likely to introduce XSS vulnerabilities. 
  • Contextual Output Encoding: Some frameworks can intelligently encode data based on the context in which it's used (e.g., inside an HTML attribute vs. inside a script tag), which is essential for adequately encoding data to prevent XSS. 
  • Template Systems: Template engines like Jinja2 (Python) or Thymeleaf (Java) automatically escape variables, preventing the injection of executable code. 

By combining safe input handling practices, implementing a robust CSP, and leveraging secure coding frameworks and libraries, developers can significantly reduce the risk of XSS attacks in their web applications. It's also crucial to stay updated with the latest security practices and continuously test applications for vulnerabilities. 


Mitigation Method: XSS Prevention Middleware 

Middleware can be integrated into your application stack to provide an additional layer of security. These solutions often handle tasks like sanitizing input, validating requests, and setting security-related headers. 

Products such as Helmet for Node.js, AntiXSS for ASP.Net, and HTMLPurifier for PHP are just a few examples of XSS prevention Middleware. 


Protect Your Data While Enhancing Developer Knowledge

The examples and strategies discussed in this article underscore the critical need for robust, multi-layered security measures. From diligent input validation and sanitization to implementing Content Security Policies and using secure coding frameworks, the fight against XSS demands constant vigilance and adaptation. 

The first step in preventing XSS vulnerabilities is implementing secure coding training for your development team. This ongoing training helps teams develop secure code from the start to protect your apps from threats. You can try our training today to see how Security Journey’s AppSec Education Platform can be an essential piece to your application security puzzle.